I Actually NEED It 7

It's been a while since I've shouted out about some books I'm dying to read, so I thought I'd bring you another edition of I Actually NEED It!  

Some books that have already been released, but I haven't managed to get my hands on (yet):

The Agency 2: The Body at the Tower
The Agency 2: The Body at the Tower by Y.S. Lee 
Having really, really enjoyed the first book, A Spy in the House, I'm already invested in Mary Quinn as a character.  In fact, I really want to know more about her and see her solve her next mystery.  Fortunately, I just had this come on hold for me at the library, so yeah!  Released August 2010.

Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin 
This one just released and I've been feeling a nagging desire to read it.  I still remember reading Nancy Werlin's Impossible and though I didn't love it, it kept me thinking for days.  I'm hoping for more of the same, but even better.  Released September 2010.

Firelight by Sophie Jordan 

This one was just released as well and I've been ogling it since I saw that cover.  But, the premise is really intriguing - dragon-like creature with fire breathing abilities?  So excellent.  Released September 2010.

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White 
Another new release that I've been hearing good things about.  Despite coming out in an over-saturated paranormal romance market, others have said it's remarkably refreshing.  White is coming to Utah next week too, but unfortunately, I can't make it.  I'm hoping for good thing from it.  Will you acquire this already, library? Released September 2010.

And now, here are some books that haven't come out yet, but I'm already desiring them:

The Heroes of Olympus, Book One: The Lost Hero
Heroes of Olympus, Book One: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan 
I became a Percy Jackson fan quite a while ago.  I was very excited to hear Riordan had more stories of other half-bloods, since I was sorry to have the end of Percy's series.  Coming October 2010.

Jane by April Lindner 
Even before Angie of Angieville raved about this, I was wanting it (though I'm pretty sure I heard about it there first).  Seriously, Jane Eyre was one of my first romantic adoration books.  Jane is my hero.  So, since this is a modern retelling of Jane Eyre, it stands to reason that I must read it.  Soon!  Too bad it doesn't release until October 2010.  Can I wait another month?

Pegasus by Robin McKinley 
Really, Ms. McKinley has never failed me before (oh, except for that one book I didn't like).  Seriously, ever since my introduction to her with The Blue Sword quite a few years ago, I've never looked back.  And, while I haven't even read everything she's written (oh, the untapped delights), I am still in awe that she has more stories packed away in her head.  Could we please just skip to November 2010 already?

The Lost Saint: A Dark Divine Novel
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain 
Ah, yes.  I read and really enjoyed The Dark Divine.  It had an interesting paranormal and spiritual mix that I found intriguing.  I really like the covers too, even though the legs are a creepy shade of white.  When Bree brought an ARC of this book to the Utah Bloggers Social a few weeks back, she was nearly mauled.  It appears many of us can't wait for December 2010.

Across the Universe
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
I've had my eye on this ever since I read GreenBeanTeenQueen's interview with Revis.  I've also been following the dystopian discussions going on with Revis and her fellow authors on The League of Extraordinary Writers.  Then I read the amazing first chapter.  Well, I'm hooked.  And I'm not sure I can handle waiting until January 2011!!

A World Without Heroes (Beyonders) 
A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull  
I'm a huge fan of Brandon Mull's work.  I devoured the Fablehaven series and think it is such a good fantasy for tweens, teens, and adults (obviously).  So, when Mull announced he was starting a new series called the Beyonders, I pretty much said, "Count me in."  Coming March 2011.

The Dark and Hollow Places 
The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan 
More zombie romping?  I really need it.  The end of The Dead-Tossed Waves made me drop my jaw and shiver with anticipation.  I definitely need more of this post-apocolyptic goodness.  Unfortunately, I don't get it until March 2011.

Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr 
Remember how when I finished Radiant Darkness and I was so conflicted, yet couldn't put it down?  Well, I'm pretty sure I will find much in this book that will enthrall me.  Maybe I'll make a decision about loving or not loving it.  But, not until March 2011.  One thing I know I love about all of them is the covers.  Gorgeous.

Anything you actually NEED?

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