Hard at Work

A Bit of Me(Me) is hosted by Danielle of There's a Book.
For this week's topic, we get to talk about jobs we hated or were embarrassed by.  Well, it turns out I haven't had a lot of formal jobs in my short career.  Probably about seven total.  The one that I still get grumpy about wasn't exactly a formal job.  I worked for a friend of my father's who owns a small business.  He pretty much runs it himself with occasional help from some of my other siblings and then myself.  Essentially, I would fill orders and ship the product.  Sometimes I'd do mailings, which were a pain.  It may not sound that bad, but I had my reasons for hating it.  

First, it made me get out of my comfort zone on a daily basis.  I know that people encourage you to get out of it, but I really liked my zone at that time (and still do like it :)  Often, it required me to answer the phone and talk to strangers.  This is still one of my all-time top ten things I hate.  I'm shy, so I don't like it (good thing I never did work for a call center).  

Then, I had to go to the post office and send the packages with a credit card number written on a piece of paper.  That is correct, I was not trusted enough to take the actual plastic with me.  This made for some rather uncomfortable moments when payment would be necessary and I'd hand over a crumpled up paper with numbers written on it.  Sometimes I'd have people who were familiar with me and my boss' methods of sending packages.  Other times, they'd look at me, expecting something more.  Always it caused me huge amounts of embarrassment and much redness of face.  I loathed it.  Going to work was a dreaded nightmare.  

I also didn't much like my boss as a person, though he was a close friend of my dad's, so I never really said much about it.  He made me feel uncomfortable in the sense that he'd always ask me questions to see how smart I was (seriously).  Let's just say, I was not sorry to move on.

What about you?

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