BBAW Day 1: Community

Welcome to Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  I'm so excited it's finally here.  I've been helping out the wonderful people who have done most of the work and I feel fortunate to participate.  Be sure to check on the results of the voting and those lovely bloggers and books that won.  Today, we're talking about community and people who have made a difference in our blogging.  I'm not sure this will even cover it, but I thought I should tell you about bloggers I admire and bloggers who make me want to keep blogging.  Here are a few:

Emily of Emily's Reading Room - this girl makes me want to do more.  She kept me up-to-date on Utah author events (and makes me miss it more now) and she seems so tireless in her blogging.  Love to read updates from her.

Jenny at Alternate Readality - a new blogger and one of my favorites.  Her reviews will make you think long and hard about why you liked a book, especially when she can rip it up and down so neatly!  Not only does she write exceptionally honest reviews, she is my most regular commenter, nearly always leaving some comment on every post I do.  She certainly makes me think someone else out there is reading my stuff. :)

Small Review - this is the blog I wish I wrote.  Every review is thoughtful and has some really fun and smart points.  Her features are so interesting that I wish I'd come up with them.  I love the review comparisons and the discussion posts.  Such a unique and wonderful blog. 

Stacked - another blog I wish I had created.  Perhaps it is because Kimberly and Kelly are secretly the librarians I want to be.  They have thoughtful reviews and also fun librarian posts.  Always a pleasure to read.

Susan of Bloggin' 'bout Books - I'm starting to think that everything Susan recommends is something I should read.  We have similar tastes, though I think she is a better judge of a book's literary quality.  I love to read what she has to say, mostly because she is brutally honest as well.  A go-to for books I should read.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention again (and again and again): Suey of It's All About Books - all around nice person and really eclectic in taste.  She blogs about books, but lots of other fun stuff too like music and TV.  She's the one who made me want to be a more active part of the blogging community, particulary the Utah blogging community.  And she invited me to her book club (which I miss so much).  One of my favorite people who happens to be a blogger.

And there you have a handful of my favorite folks.  Who are some of your favorites?

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