I believe I am the very worst when it comes to recapping bookish events I attend. Usually this is blamed on my sincere inability to bring a camera. Truly, it's because I just don't know what to say about them. They are always awesome and I really love to meet authors, but for some reason telling y'all about them seems impossible. Still, I wanted to mention that I had the very great privilege of meeting four authors during the Dark Days of Supernatural tour.
I'm not going to lie that moving from the great state of Utah where there always seem to be hundreds of awesome author events going on made me feel sad. So, I was pretty pleased that I had this consolation prize fairly soon after moving to Arizona. It was held at the Changing Hands bookstore, which I was super happy to finally visit.
The authors
Josephine Angelini (Starcrossed)
Ellen Schreiber (Vampire Kisses)
Aprilynne Pike (Wings series)
Veronica Roth (Divergent)
...were all really nice. And really entertaining. I don't know how they do it, but all the authors I've met seem to have an innate ability not only to write, but to entertain as well. Most of the event was simply taking questions from the attendees and I loved that. They answered some fun questions about their books, writing, as well as random stuff. And here is where you realize another thing about my write-ups - I don't remember specific things said. All I really remember is enjoying the company, listening to people talk about literary things and the love of reading. It makes me happy.
And, of course, it's always nice to meet them, even if I still haven't written out some flash cards that will help me start conversations. I usually stick with smiling widely and saying thanks when it's all over. When I open my mouth, I usually end up wishing I'd stuck with the wide smiling.
Anywho, I didn't meet any blogger folks, though afterward I saw some much more thrilling and well written write-ups of bloggers who were there. Maybe next time I'll meet them. Maybe. If you want to see photos and hear more about what they actually said, visit I'm a Book Shark and Late Bloomer Online. Much more entertaining.
But at least now I can stop feeling guilty that I didn't mention anything about it. And I can go back to being jealous of all my old Utah friends who get to see Ally Condie and Ally Carter. That's like Ally squared awesomeness. Sigh.
A Week (or Two) Late and Many Photos Short...
8:11 AM
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