First Impressions: Cover Sillies 2

Though the response to my first Cover Sillies post was not stellar, I am still interested in noting some strange first impressions I have on book covers.  My comments are not what I'd call criticism, more of strange or odd reactions to the covers.  Many covers I highlight are ones that I really love.  This collectin of covers is what I like to call the Awkward Bodies edition. 

Vampire Academy Signature Edition: A Vampire Academy Novel
Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this position is awkward - it literally makes me uncomfortable to look at it.  Maybe I'm just seeing it wrong or something. 

Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate)
Now I know this is odd on purpose, but I honestly think to myself "Don't try this at home, folks!"  It makes my back hurt imagining the model standing like that for any length of time.

 The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth, Book 3)
I really love this cover, but since I've been experiencing neck problems recently, I cringe when I think about her neck pain. Hopefully she doesn't have to lie there for long (and is this a zombie or the main character?)

Now, I really really love this cover, but when I first saw it, I thought again of how painful her head position looks. Maybe it's just the placement of it in relation to his body, but it looks otherworldly. Probably part of its charm.

Do you notice these kinds of things or am I alone?
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