I'm going to do a little trial run of a new sort-of feature and if you think it's lame or weird, feel free to let me know (or if there are no comments, that's a good indication too :)
Anyway, what I essentially will do is admit to my ridiculous first impressions of covers. This could be a silly reaction or simply a misinterpretation of what is being shown. I want to note that I am NOT making fun of the covers, which I've noticed most people love. Obviously, that also goes for the contents of the books, some of which I haven't read. This is purely based on covers. What I'm saying is that every time I see them, I think something random about it. Well, let me just show you.
And while we're talking about body odors...
Every time I see this cover, I think: he must have some killer bad vampire breath. I think this will officially make my weirdness public. Ah, well.
Any thoughts on these? Any covers you misinterpret?
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