Summer Scents

 A Bit of Me(Me) is hosted by Danielle of There's a Book.

This week's question asks, what is your favorite smell.  Why does it always seem like the questions are too hard for me to answer?  As always, I have a hard time picking just one thing to call my favorite.  There are so many things that come to mind when I think of smells I love.  I think I'll only go for two this time, though.

First smell: pine


I love to be outdoors.  And, since summer always makes me feel like camping, I thought of the delightful smells that awaken you in the early morning when camping.  I love how natural and clean it smells.  From having been camping nearly every year since I was six, it always comes with loads of memories of those previous trips.  [I've written a guest post for Callista of SMS Book Reviews' Great Camping Event, so if you want to know more than you ever did about my camping life, be sure to check out her site July 26-August 6.] Pine scent evokes great family memories and peaceful feelings.  Hm, perhaps I ought to bring something pine scented to work with me! :)

Second smell: apricots

Another summer smell for me.  Growing up, we had four or five huge apricot trees in our yard.  Every year there were hundreds of apricots that would get ripe all at once.  We'd spent cool mornings and hot afternoons picking bucket after bucket.  Then, when we couldn't manage to give away enough of them, my mother would make fruit leather (rather like fruit roll-ups).  The smell of apricots would fill the house and it was such a trial to not poke our fingers in the soft goo left to dry in the sun.  Despite hating having to pick them, my mouth still waters at that smell.

What's your favorite scent?

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