New contest!

Yes. Another one. Already. Don't even pretend you're not just giddy with childlike excitement.

This one is easy. If absolutely every one of you don't enter, Steve's ninja-zombie-assassins are going to come after you and Nick will blow up your shoes. You may be able to take the beard off the terrorist, but you can't take the terrorist out of the beard....wait...that doesn't work... Crap! You get the idea. Just be afraid.

We were looking at our list of Like, Mediocre, and Hate books (and our new category Like...and Hate). There is a big disparity. We can't help but feel the need to set the universe in balance (It IS our duty as Gods to maintain order, and stuff).

So what does that have to do with you and the contest? Easy. Become an official follower of the blog, post here that you have done so, and recommend a book to us that you think we will hate and want us to tear apart. Also, don't be obvious and recommend the sequels to Twilight, or you know the and bombs.

This contest will end in one week from today. More than enough time for you to find the BEST worst book.

What do you get out of the deal? Other than the pleasure of knowing we chose your suggestion?

Well, Nick will buy and send you a hard cover book of your choice.

So start suggesting!

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