I Actually NEED It 11

I Actually NEED It is an extremely irregular feature where I express my desire, or rather need, for certain books that haven't come out or aren't available at my library yet.  To learn about the reason behind the name, check out my inaugural I Actually NEED It post.

I haven't done one of these since June!  And it is way overdue.  I've included a couple of books already out (or about to come out) that I haven't gotten my hands on yet.

How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
I really loved Zarr's last book, Once Was Lost and I have been anxiously listening to the many (many!) adoring comments people have made about this one.  It just came out yesterday, so I'm hoping my library will send it my way soon!  October 2011.

Midnight in Austenland: A Novel by Shannon Hale
Um, anything ever written by Shannon Hale is an automatic read for me.  I liked Austenland: A Novel (AND there's a movie coming), mostly because of my own unfulfilled fantasies about being in Pride and Prejudice.  Sequel?  Bring it.  In January 2012.

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

I've been enjoying Brodi's blog for quite some time now (SO hilarious) and I can't wait to read this one.  Confession: I have it on my shelf.  I'm almost afraid to start it, since I'll have to wait MORE than a year to get the sequel.  Or maybe I'm saving it for an extra special occasion.  Coming January 2012.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
There is a shortage of perfect sci-fi in YA (or maybe I'm just not aware of it - you can enlighten me in the comments, if you desire).  This?  Looks awesome.  Arriving January 2012.

A Million Suns by Beth Revis
Speaking of YA sci-fi (sort of), I really enjoyed Across the Universe.  I know many didn't love it, but this astronomy major still adores an exciting space story.  January 2012 can't come soon enough!

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
I was pleasantly surprised at the depth and non-conformist romance in this paranormal series about angels.  Having enjoyed Unearthly, I'm looking forward to this next installment, coming January 2012.

Faery Tales & Nightmares by Melissa Marr

Melissa Marr's books have been love-hate for me, but just looking at this cover has me shivering.  Her books are always very well written and the plots intriguing.  Looking forward to February 2012.

Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Another sequel here and one I'm eagerly anticipating.  Having been highly engrossed in Wither, I can't wait to read where Rhine is headed next.  Hurry up February 2012!

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
With that wild ending in Delirium, I've really no idea where this series is headed next.  But count me in for eagerly anticipating March 2012.

Anything you actually NEED coming out?

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