Book Review: Bright Young Things by Anna Godberson

Bright Young Things by Anna Godberson
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: October 2010
ISBN: 9780061962677
Source: Library

Letty and Cordelia have run away from their small town life and found their way to the Big Apple.  Letty is determined to make it big as a singer, to see her name in the lights, but runs into a lot more competition and problems than expected.  Cordelia is searching for her father, a rich and famous man in the town of Manhatten.  But finding her life there is a lot more difficult than she imagines.  She makes an ally in Astrid, her brother's girlfriend, who wants to help Cordelia out, but also hides a number of secrets from her as well.  Will the three girls get all they hoped for or will their dreams be ripped from them?

Things I Liked:
Oh the setting.  It was pitch-perfect and made you feel like you were living in the Jazz Age of New York - flappers and speak-easys and Broadway and huge mansions homes.  Godberson has created another fabulous setting for her rich, twisted, and complicated historical fiction series.  You will fall into the time and place with such ease, you won't ever want to come back out.  And once again, she's created a story that will have you wondering and guessing who is telling the truth and who is hiding more lies.  

Things I Didn't Like:
It definitely didn't have quite the appeal that The Luxe books did.  I'm not sure exactly why that is, but I didn't enjoy it as much.  Other than the setting, I was not as drawn into the story and the characters.  They were not people I cared about or wanted to read more about.  Still, I'll be intrigued to read the next book.

The Luxe books by Anna Godberson

Vixen by Jillian Larkin

s-factor: !@
some throughout

mrg-factor: XX
lots of implied stuff, some off-page action

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ***

I'm a sucker for a 20s setting.  Is there a setting you're drawn to?

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