Spring Reading Thing 2011 -- The List*

Spring Reading Thing 2011
Hosted by Callapidder Days: (Sign Up Post), (Announcement Post), (How-To Post)
Dates: March 20, 2011 - June 20, 2011

This will be my fifth time participating in Katrina's Spring Reading Thing reading challenge! My goal is to read eight to twelve of these books.

1. Mansfield Park. Jane Austen.
2. Jubilee by Margaret Walker
3. Persuasion by Jane Austen
4. Matched. Ally Condie.
5. XVI. Julia Karr.
6. Wither. Laura DeStefano.
7. Elizabeth and the Prince of Spain. Margaret Irwin.
8. Wickham's Diary. Amanda Grange.
9. The Throne of Fire. Kane Chronicles #2 Rick Riordan.
10. Bumped by Megan McCafferty.
11. The Story of Britain From the Norman Conquest to the European Union by Patrick Dillon.
12. The Last Chronicle of Barset by Anthony Trollope
13. Front and Center. Catherine Gilbert Murdock


Mansfield Park. Jane Austen. 1814/1998. Norton. 520 pages.

Persuasion. Jane Austen 1818/1992. Knopf Doubleday. 304 pages.

Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte. 1847. Norton. 552 pages.

The Last Chronicle of Barset. Anthony Trollope. 1867.  928 pages.

Gone With The Wind. Margaret Mitchell. 1936. Simon & Schuster. 1048 pages.

Modern Adaptations/Retellings

Suspense and Sensibility: Or, First Impressions Revisited. Carrie Bebris. 2007. Tor. 304 pages.

Wickham's Diary. Amanda Grange. 2011. Sourcebooks. 208 pages.

Captain Wentworth's Diary by Amanda Grange. 2008. Penguin. 304 pages.

Edmund Bertram's Diary by Amanda Grange. 2008. Penguin. 304 pages.

Children & Young Adult Books

The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales. 1944/2005. Pantheon/Random House. 880 pages.

The Throne of Fire. Kane Chronicles #2 Rick Riordan. 2011. Hyperion. 464 pages.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (#1 Heroes of Olympus) 2010. Hyperion. 576 pages.

The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan. 2011. Random House. 384 pages. 

Wither. Laura DeStefano. 2011. Simon & Schuster. 368 pages.

Bumped by Megan McCafferty. 2011. HarperCollins. 336 pages.

Matched. Ally Condie. 2010. Penguin. 369 pages.

XVI by Julia Karr. 2011. Penguin. 272 pages.

The Summer I Turned Pretty. Jenny Han. 2009. Simon & Schuster. 288 pages.

Front and Center. Catherine Gilbert Murdock. 2009. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 256 pages.

Waiting for Normal. Leslie Connor. 2008. HarperCollins. 304 pages.

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. 1966/2007. Simon & Schuster. 224 pages.

Historical Fiction

Jubilee. Margaret Walker. 1966. 512 pages.

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. Betty Smith. 1943/2006. Harper. 528 pages.

The Sunne in Splendour: "A fascinating portrait of the controversial King Richard III--a monarch betrayed in life by his allies and betrayed in death by history." by Sharon Kay Penman. 1982. 944 pages.

Elizabeth and the Prince of Spain. Margaret Irwin. 1953/2011. Sourcebooks. 336 pages.

Mary of Carisbrooke: The Spellbinding Story of the Imprisoned King Charles and the Girl Who Would Not Betray Him. Margaret Campbell Barnes. 1956/2011. Sourcebooks. 352 pages.


Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy. Albert Marrin. 2011. Random House. 192 pages. 

Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart. Candace Fleming. 2011. Random House. 128 pages.

The Story of Britain From the Norman Conquest to the European Union by Patrick Dillon. 2011. Candlewick Press. 352 pages.

Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind: A Bestseller's Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood. Ellen Firsching Brown and John Wiley. 2011. Taylor Trade Publishing. 379 pages.

© 2011 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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