Book Blogger Appreciation Week

Shocking though this may be, here at Elitist Book Reviews, we tend to think we are pretty awesome (like we said, shocking). Between ourselves (Steve & Nick), our newly acquired "Team" of reviewers (Vanessa, Dan, and Shawn), and even our occasional Guest Reviewers, we are a pretty solid bunch.

Now we don't want our faithful readers to take this the wrong way--because we love you guys and gals--but we have needs. Mostly to be recognized for what we do. We've been around for close to a year now. We've reviewed a sizable number of novels, and interviewed some terrific authors. We done good. Amidst it all, we mix serious opinions with our cutting wit and honest criticisms. Honesty is our best well and handsomeness and humility.

It turns out that there is a Book Blogger Appreciation Week from Sept. 13-17 of this year. Yeah we know. Crazy. People actually have a way to show appreciation for us nutty people who take absurd amounts of time to review novels for the grateful masses. We think it is a great idea.

For the unaware, maintaining an active Review Blog is actually a lot of hard work. It can feel like a full-time, unpaid job. If we feel sappy, we call it a labor of love (awwwwwwwwww!). You see, we love reading. We love Speculative Fiction (Fantasy, SF, Horror, etc.), and we love sharing our opinions on it. We love that through us, people have discovered books that have ignited their imaginations. We love that we are helping people be, stay, or become excited to read.

Our first year has been fantastic. We maintain a pretty awesome and active readership who freely share their opinions. You guys are awesome! We've had you all say numerous times that we are one of the better blogs out there. We agree (shocker).

As such, we are registering our not-so-humble blog for Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW). With any luck, we'll make some sort of finalist's list of blogs for Speculative Fiction--not gonna lie, winning would be completely awesome. But really, we just want to support other bloggers: our jobs are hard, but rewarding. And we want to put ourselves out there for the people that haven't discovered us yet. The more review blogs you read, the more educated you become. You become literary elitists yourselves. You know, like us!

So, first off, head over to the BBAW website and check them out:

Next, the following will be several links to the reviews that show-off our style the best. The BBAW want this so all the judges read the same posts (we'll obviously make fans of them...). For our faithful readers, we wish we would have known about this sooner, we would have polled you to see which reviews and interviews you thought were the best. Alas, it is left up to us to toot our own horns...

...but let's face it, we are good at that.

Here we go:

Best Speculative Fiction Book Blog


BEST SERVED COLD by Joe Abercrombie -

GARDENS OF THE MOON by Steven Erikson -

TWILIGHT by Stephanie Meyer (seriously, we did it) -

SHADOW'S SON by Jon Sprunk -

Best Author Interviews

Kristine Kathryn Rusch -

R.A. Salvatore -

Tom Lloyd -

Dan Wells -

Gail Carriger -

Best Written Book Blog

THE SILVER SKULL by Mark Chadbourn -

KRAKEN by China MiƩville -

RETRIBUTION FALLS by Chris Wooding -

NEUROPATH by R Scott Bakker -

Elitist Classics Part 1 -

Well there you have it. These are some of the reviews and interviews that best represent us, and that we have the fondest memories of. A solid list if we can pat ourselves on the back for a minute or five.

We had fun (mostly) reading these novels, and our readers always had fun reading the reviews. The BBAW is a fantastic venue for all of us hard-working bloggers to be recognized for our awesomeness.

For the judges of the BBAW Awards; enjoy. We hope you become fans of the blog.

For our readers; enjoy...uh...again.

For new readers; please remember that we are the center of the universe, and therefore are always right.

--Steve & Nick

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