BBAW Day 3: Community II

Today's topic is one I feel ridiculously inadequate writing about, so I'm hoping y'all will share your good advice and I will learn.  However, I wanted to mention a few things that I think I've learned (even if I haven't applied them) about blogging community.

First, the book blogging world is enormous.  There will never be a way for you to know every book blog out there and connect with everyone.  I think the best thing to do is find a core group of bloggers that you like.  People whose opinions and reviews you can respect, even if you don't always agree with them.  Connect with them, comment on their reviews or features that you like (and by comment, I mean things of substance).  Chat with them on twitter.  (Oh, how I am laughing at myself for giving this advice - I am so bad at it.)  This doesn't mean, however, that once you have a core group it can't grow, it just means you don't have to feel like you need to have 100 best blogging buddies.  I'd never have the time or energy to keep up with that many.  Kudos to you if you can!

Second, I think it's ok to have blogs on your periphery that you keep track of, but don't personally interact with the bloggers.  I stalk a number of blogs that I comment on irregularly, if at all.  Usually these are the big names that won't notice if there are 96 comments instead of 97.  I don't have the time to comment on everything I read, so usually these are the blogs that I skip.  Bloggers who are just getting started or that are under-the-radar are the ones I am more likely to comment on. 
So, let's get to some better advice, shall we?  I'd like to ask you guys, how do you find the time to blog and connect with other bloggers?  How do you start off that initial awkward acquaintance?  What are your tips for the ridiculously shy (like, well, me)?

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