Book Review: Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier

Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
Publisher: Henry Holt
Publication date: May 2011
ISBN: 9780805092523
Source: Review copy provided by publicist

Ruby Red (Ruby Red - Trilogy)

Gwyneth has always been the forgotten girl in her household.  Her cousin Charlotte has been prepared since birth to be a time traveler.  But when she is the one to travel back, everything is turned upside down.  She will discover secrets about her birth that her mother has been hiding.  She will also have to travel with Gideon, another time traveler, to a London of the 18th century and deal with past travelers whose motivations remain hidden.  Can she unravel all the secrets of the past and the present before it is too late?

Things I Liked:
I really do love a good time travel story.  Sometimes I go a while without reading one, then when I do I remember how awesome they are!  This is a really good one too, complete with time paradoxes and secret societies.  I loved the mysterious atmosphere and the period clothing descriptions and just how much fun it was to fall into the story with Gwyneth.  Action, mystery, secrets, betrayals, all wrapped in a time travel cloak.  An awesome beginning to a series that I'm planning to devour.  

Things I Didn't Like:
There were remarkably few wording issues that arose from the translation.  Pretty well done, I'd say, but not entirely absent.  I was a little struck at how juvenile Gwyneth seemed at the beginning. I had a hard time seeing her as sixteen.  But as the book progressed, so did she and I was able to accept that.  I'm definitely hooked on this one.

Hourglass by Myra McEntire

The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller a little bit

s-factor: !  

a few mild words every so often

mrg-factor: X
some implied stuff, nothing on page

v-factor: ->
a little bit of action, but not gory at all

Overall rating: ****

Can you wrap your head around time travel stories?

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