Stuff I Wish I Did More Often

A Bit of Me(Me) is hosted by Danielle of There's a Book.

Well, since the topic for this week made it very clear these things we do in our spare time don't have to be talents, I thought I'd post some things that I really wish I did more often, but which I do occasionally get around to.  

The first one is something I started really working hard at during high school.  In my AP art classes, I began really changing the way I drew and painted, putting in hours of work on technique and style, which is when I figured out my best medium is watercolor.  I'm also pretty sure that was the last time I peaked in my talent.  Most of what I have done since then (which, I assure you, is not very much) was for family, who tend to tell me it's great even if it's not.  But, here are a few pieces I'm fairly proud of:






(The irony of these photos is not lost on me - they are wretchedly bad shots of something supposed to be artsy.)  I was reluctant to post them, since it seems like a big fat "validate me" type of thing, so feel free not to say nice things about my art (but don't say not nice things about it, please).  :)

The second thing I wish I did more is write.  I've always loved to write little bits of story or even essays in high school (I was such a nerd).  And, once again, it's fallen pretty much to the bottom of my list of things I do.  I have made some resolutions in recent years (including this one) to actually sit down and write out some of my ideas for stories.  I haven't gotten too far, but I'm making baby steps.  Sometime I might actually finish something and feel satisfied. 

So, what do you do (or wish you did) in your spare time?

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