BBAW, Day 2: New Treasure

I managed to participate in this year's BBAW interview swap (which makes me happy, since I forgot to sign up last year).  I got to interview the lovely Lu of Regular Rumination, which is a new blog for me.  Definitely take a look at her site - it's full of literary goodness!

ME: Tell us about your blog and the story behind creating it.

LU: I started Regular Rumination one December when I was on break from school and very bored. I didn't have any books to read

ME: What genre of books do your favorites (generally) come from?

LU: Hmmm, I'm not sure.  When I say I read everything, I really mean I read almost everything.  My favorite books come from a number of different genres, from YA dystopian to classics to literary fiction to horror.  

ME: If you could meet any character from any book, who would you choose and why?

LU: Francie from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is at the top of my list.  Also Kay from The Night Watch.  Actually for very similar reasons: first I'd like to give each of them a big hug, then I'd like to take both of them out to coffee and make sure they became my best friends.  They're strong, level-headed women that have been through a lot and I think would have a lot to share.

ME: Who is your favorite villain from a book and why?

LU: I just recently read Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi and the villain is the main character's father.  He is so terrifying because we know there was a time when he loved his son, but greed turned him into a villain.

ME: If you wrote a book what would be the name of your main character?

LU: I recently started thinking about an idea and the name Annemarie popped into my head.  

ME: In five words, tell us what you think makes a great book.

LU: Characterization, setting, language, drama, & beauty.

ME: What is your favorite thing about reading?

LU: There's nothing I love more than getting so engrossed in a book that I forget the world around me.  I love that escape.  Beyond that, there is the wonderful community of readers and the instant connection you can make with people through books. Reading is something that I have shared with my family, my boyfriend and my friends. Now I can share it with the world too.  There are few things in life that make me quite as happy as getting lost in a wonderful book.  I don't even mind reading the bad ones so much.  


ME: What do you do when you aren't reading or blogging?

LU: Crocheting, hanging out with the boyfriend and my friends, watching Prison Break and Weeds. 

ME: What is your favorite part about BBAW or blogging in general?

LU: All the community building!  I love BBAW because we all get together and tell each other how fabulous we are.  I love book blogging because I get to meet people that have the same interests as me, but come from completely different walks of life.

Yes, exactly!  (And don't you just want to hang out with her?  I love the tin foil superhero look.)  I loved getting to know more about Lu and reading her interesting answers to these questions.  To get more Lu, head to her blog Regular Rumination or she's on twitter @lulu_bella and also, if you want to read my answers to some questions, check it out there too.

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