Who the Heck are These Guys?

Welcome to Elitist Book Reviews. Let’s start by saying we are psychic. Seriously. How so, you ask? Well, we each had the idea to make this review blog on the same day. While Steve was emailing Nick the idea, Nick called Steve to pitch the same idea. Give us another more plausible alternative to being awesome psychics (Hint: there isn’t one).

So who are we?

Just a couple guys with much better taste in books than you.

So, we figured since all our friends, our family, our acquaintances, and even random strangers in bookstores (including, sadly, the employees of the bookstores) come to us for book advice, that we may as well give this kind of advice on a psuedo-professional level.

We will be posting reviews for primary Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Mystery, but not strictly limited to those genres. Our reviews will be posted during the week, with the weekends as our time to relax.

We hope you enjoy the spoiler-free reviews, and we will do our best to best to tell you what books to either avoid, borrow, or buy. You should do exactly what we say.


And in case you are wondering, we will be brutal, and we will be mean if we don’t like the book. That’s part of the fun isn’t it?

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