
Facts of life. Kids are born, and school starts. Due to Steve's new kiddo, and Nick's new...classes, we are going to due a test run of a scaled back review system. This is something we had planned from the beginning, because really who has time to read five books a week and review each, as well as keep up with other commitments. Now that we have a healthy backlog of reviews for you to help make your choice of future reading, we think now is as good of a time as any. We will be doing 1-2 reviews a week, as well as (maybe) a University log (see the Spotlight on the front page).

As always, feel free to send us compliments and complaints (complaints to Steve, compliments to Nick). We love hearing from you, both in email or in the comments section.

We want to congratulate Neil Gaiman on winning the 2009 Hugo Award for Best Novel for his work THE GRAVEYARD BOOK! As you'll recall, we reviewed it, and we voted for it. We figured it would win, and aren't really all that surprised to see that we were right. This is a fabulous honor for Gaiman, and his second Hugo Award (he won with his AMERICAN GODS in 2002).

Go check out all the Hugo winners!

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