Top Ten Tuesday: My Winter TBR Pile

This week's Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) is Books On My TBR List For Winter.  But since I'm not big on reading holiday books (I've not found many I enjoyed) I thought I'd adjust it a little.  With the year coming to an end, I do have a few books I'd like to read before January (or maybe early next year), so that's what my list contains.  I guess it's more like my immediate TBR pile :)

1. The Death Cure by James Dashner
(seriously, bought this one right away and still have it waiting for me...)

2. Brisingr and Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
(I've been re-listening to the first books before I get to the last one - plus I'm going to a signing for him this Saturday!)

3. The Demon's Surrender by Sarah Rees Brennan
(I can't believe I got this one way back when it came out and still haven't gotten to it!)

4. Prized by Caragh M. O'Brien
(sequel to one of my fave dystopians)

5. Legend by Marie Lu
(been dying for this one since I first heard about it)

6. Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
(this one has been patiently waiting its turn in my hands - not too much longer, I promise)

7. Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
(what, I haven't read this one yet?)

8. Everneath by Brodi Ashton
(ok, I cheated and just finished this one - but seriously, I kept trying NOT to, so I could read it closer to its release date)

9. A Million Suns by Beth Revis
(wish I had an ARC, guess I'll have to wait...patiently)

10. Chime by Franny Billingsley
(so much talk about this one, I have to get it read before Printz and Newbery winners are announced)

What's on your list for the winter?

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