I may not be blogging, but I'm reading...

I've been reading several books this week. But I haven't exactly been rushing the reading process. Just staying in the moment, enjoying it page by page without worrying about 'what I'll post about' the next day, etc.

Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen. I always thought I didn't really "like" this one. At least in comparison to Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice and Northanger Abbey. But I'm either in the right mood for it, or I'm reading it properly for the first time. Maybe NOT rushing it is giving me the time I need to really connect with each of the characters and to see things through their eyes. This time through I seem to be focusing on relationships and the tensions between the sisters and mom. I'm noticing what's being said, of course, but I'm also noticing what ISN'T being said. I'm seeing the meaning behind the words, picking up on little clues about what characters are *really* feeling. For example, I just finished a scene between Elinor and Lucy Steele. This has been a good year for Austen. I've read Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park. I'm now flirting with the idea of trying to finish the rest of her novels (all rereads of course) this year so I can say that I've read them all in a single year. (I've never managed to do that before.)

I've also been reading a new-to-me author, a mystery writer, P.D. James. I'm reading the first Adam Dalgliesh mystery, Cover Her Face. And I'm really liking it so far. I don't know if it's love quite yet. But I'm certainly always happy to spend some time in this one.

City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell. I am just LOVING this one. I do wish the chapters were a little shorter, but I'm weird like that. I read for longer periods of time when the chapters are shorter. The longer the chapter, the more hesitant I am to start it. (I don't really like to stop in the middle of a chapter. But when I flip ahead to see how many pages are in the next chapter, if I see that there are just a few, I'll read on. And then on and on and on and on. If the chapters are consistently short, I just can't say no to a little more.)

Smells Like Treasure by Suzanne Selfors. I haven't properly gotten hooked on this one just yet. But what I've read so far I really like. I just LOVED the first book in this series. And so I'm happy to read more!

Sunne in Splendour: A Novel of Richard III by Sharon Kay Penman. I can't begin to tell you how much I'm enjoying this one. The chapters are on the longish side, so far, at least. But I'm savoring this book one chapter at a time, one day at a time.

To the One Who Conquers: 50 Daily Meditations on the Seven Letters of Revelation 2-3 by Sam Storms. I'm *trying* to read one church a night. This doesn't always happen. I've missed a night or two this week. But I hope to finish it soon so I can review it on Operation Actually Read Bible.

How to Find God in the Bible: A Personal Plan for the Encounter of Your Life by Woodrow Kroll. This one arrived yesterday, and, I am really enjoying it so far!!! I've already read half of it!!! I will definitely be reviewing this one at Operation Actually Read Bible soon.

© 2011 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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