So, I've made it through the first 24 hours, and I'm about halfway to my (secret) goal of 20 hours. I'm terrible at staying up too late and then getting up early, so I'm just now dragging myself out of bed. Still, I think I'm going to get some good reading in! I wanted to do some very brief reviews (in preparation for longer ones later) of the two books I've finished:
Blood Red Road: a gritty futuristic novel with a main character and her love interest that you can't stop thinking about or rooting for.
What Happened on Fox Street: a bitter-sweet coming of age for a girl growing up on an ordinary street.
Update 2: It's looking like yesterday was my best reading day, which is sad because it wasn't that great. I had another big and unexpected obligation come up this evening, so I've not had much time to devote to reading. I may not make it to my secret goal, but I haven't gotten my not-so-secret goal of 16 hrs. I hope to get in one or maybe two more this evening and tomorrow morning, but no guarantee. I'm about 1/3 of the way through Okay For Now by Gary Schmidt (love it!) so maybe I'll keep my eyes open long enough. Keep up the reading, for those of you who are participating!
Time read since last update: 2 hr 10 min
Total time read: 15 hr 35 min
Time blogged/read blogs since last update: 10 min
Total time blogged/read blogs: 1 hr 40 min
Total participation time: 17 hr 15 min
Total number of books read: 2 (Blood Red Road and What Happened on Fox Street) and 1 partial (finished Paranormalcy)
Total pages read: 970
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