Sign Me Up!

When I saw this lovely idea show up in the blogging world, I was very excited!  I mean, I already whined about reasons I'm not going to BEA, so here was a chance to experience some of the fun right from my own armchair.  Hooray!  

I've noted some of the book signings I've been to before.  When I went through my books last night to see how many I had signed, I was surprised at the number!  I never thought of myself as a big collector of signed books, but apparently I'm off to a pretty good start.  Nearly all of my books are from local authors, who I love and adore.  A few were from visitors to the great state (I've never gone to one outside of Utah).  One was purchased already signed (not one of the fortunate to meet Stephenie Meyer in person).  But, they all bear the mark of the author inside.  Each one scribbling their name to express pride in their work and appreciation of those who read it.  I love a signed book for the meaning and the memories.  

Here's a break down of my signed books, (there were pictures, but right now I'm having technical difficulties) photos included (though, they don't necessarily correlate with the breakdown):

Most by one author: Shannon Hale (6)

Most recent: Mette Ivie Harrison (The Princess and the Bear)

Most famous: Either Stephenie Meyer or Kathryn Stockett (take your pick)

Most prized: hm...can't say that I am able to choose!

Number signed, but didn't meet author: 4

Number signed, but not read: 2

Number Non-Utah authors: 5

Number of complete series signed: 0 (close with Fablehaven and Books of Bayern!)

Total number: ~25

I may also have mentioned before that I'm not really articulate when I do get my books signed.  Usually a well-placed "Thank you," is all I can get out.  The few times I have spoken, it was usually to say something that sounded better in my head than out of it.  (This is actually pretty true of when I meet new people in general.)  I got a real kick out of Suey's post about approaches to signings a few weeks ago.  

In any case, as I was trying to decide what authors I'd really love to meet, I realized I'd have to make categories.  (What can I say? I'm a librarian.  I categorize.)

At BEA: 
Kate DiCamillo, Richard Peck

Not at BEA: 
Robin McKinley, Megan Whalen Turner, Jean Ferris, Juliet Marillier, Karen Cushman

Not Likely (Ever):
J.K. Rowling, Patrick Ness, anyone British

A Bit Too Late:
Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis

Really, the longer I think about it, the more authors I would be adding to the list!  So, I think I'll just cut myself off now.

Who are you dying to meet - living, dead, possible, impossible?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage

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